Classic 40 Watt Unit 3/4-in. Inlet/Outlet
The Classic Series UV’s are ideal for ponds, aquariums, and water features. The Classic’s rugged design has features that allow for quick installation and easy maintenance. Aqua Ultraviolet UV’s will clear your water in 3 to 5 days sometimes overnight and keep it that way. Performance is guaranteed when sized, installed and operated according to our instructions.
Fresh Water Sterilizer 1200-2000 gals / Flowrate - 2900 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
Fresh Water Clarifier to 6000 gals
Salt Water Sterilizer to 325 gals / Flowrate - 967 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
A sterilizer will eliminate green water and control bacteria. The Classic 40 Watt, will sterilize up to 2,000 gallons of fresh water or 325 gallons of salt water.