The Aqua Ultraviolet Twist Series Sterilizers are designed for maximum performance, power and reliability. Ultraviolet is proven to be safe, dependable and effective in controlling algae and harmful bacteria without leaving and residuals in the water.
25 Watt Aqua Twist Series UVs
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 500-1200 gals / Flowrate - 1200 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 4000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 150 gals / Flowrate - 400 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
40 Watt Aqua Twist Series UVs
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 1200-2000 gals / Flowrate - 2900 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 6000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 325 gals / Flowrate - 967 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
57 Watt Aqua Twist Series UVs
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 1500-3000 gals / Flowrate - 3200 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 6500 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 355 gals / Flowrate - 1066 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2